Eagle and KiCAD Nixie Libraries
I’ve uploaded Eagle and KiCAD libraries for nixie tubes and some useful components to my GitHub page. Note that many are re-usable for other tubes as they use the same sockets and pin-outs – see my adapters page for links to more information.
The libraries include:
- IN-1
- IN-2 (RSH-27 socket)
- IN-3
- IN-4
- IN-6
- IN-7
- IN-8 (RSH-27 socket)
- IN-8-2
- IN-9
- IN-12A (SK-136 socket)
- IN-12B (SK-136 socket)
- IN-13
- IN-14
- IN-15A
- IN-15B
- IN-16
- IN-17
- IN-18 (corrected rotation, two socket variants)
- IN-19A
- IN-19B
- IN-19V
- B5991 (SK-136 socket)
- 6844A (B13B socket)
- GR10J (B17A socket)
- B5441A (SK-182 socket)
- CD-11 (TSB-14P socket)
- CK1918 (RTS-14 socket)
- GENERIC (ZIF socket for tubes with flying leads)
- NL840 (RTS-11 and RTS-14 socket)
- NL7037 (RTS-5 socket)
- ZM1000 (55702 ‘Eurogrid’ socket)
- ZM1042 (B13B socket)
Various component footprints I use on my boards.
Hello, I am new to KiCAD and wanted to add your Nixie libraries. I can find the schematic symbol of the IN-16 tube, but somehow I can’t manage to find the footprint file for it. Can you maybe give me a hint how to include the footprint file? Many thanks, André
The footprint files end in .mod. You should add them to the footprint path in KiCAD. I can’t recall how, but it is easily found through google.
Are the files on your GITHUB just the symbols for KiCAD? I downloaded the zip but cannot find any *.pretty folders and when I try and add the .mod files I get an access denied error.
Am I missing anything?
You’re correct to try to add the .mod files as the footprints. They are an older KiCAD format, but the most recent version still supports them. One thing is that the reference in the symbol is wrong, so you will need to assign the footprint manually after you have added the .mod files to the footprint list (select the symbol in the schematic and hit F).
Beautiful! I got it sorted. What a lovely resource to have. Thank you Paul!
Has anyone tried getting the footprints working in KiCad 7? It appears that KiCad 7 doesn’t recognize .mod files entirely. I attempted using a couple of .mod to .kicad_mod conversion tools, but have not found success. The symbol libraries (or at least the us-nixie.lib library) seems to work fine if you pull it in as a legacy library. Thank you for your work!
I’ve added a description of how to do this in the github repo at https://github.com/judge2005/Eagle-and-KiCAD-Nixie-Libs
Awesome, that worked great! Thank you for all of your work on this!